Incontinence Supplies Grant (Diaper) Program
The Incontinence Supplies Grant is an annual grant, made in two payments, provided to families to offset some of the costs for diapers and certain supplies for incontinence. This program is funded and eligibility criteria is set by the Ministry of Health. Easter Seals Ontario administers the program on behalf of the Ministry of Health.
Top Up Grant Program
The Top Up Grant is an extra payment or “top up” for the cost of incontinence supplies, such as diapers, to children who are receiving the Incontinence Supplies Grant and Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities. The program is offered each year, subject to funding availability from the government, and each client receives a single top up payment. All eligibility criteria and Top Up Grant levels are set by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Easter Seals Ontario administers the Top Up Grant.
Please visit the new home of the Incontinence Supplies Grant or Top Up Program to learn more and access applications.